Do you sometimes feel your art is all over the place? Have you considered working in series or creating a body of art? Hi, my name is Carrie. I want you to proudly call yourself Artist. Here on Artist Strong I help artists build their skill and develop their unique...
Sometimes because I talk so much about being realistic in your art, people have a misconception that my goal or my belief is that everyone should be realistic with their art. That is not at all where I’m coming from. The point of a program like Fantastic Faces...
“My goal is to find my style – I’m a little all over the shop.” Feel all over the shop with your style? You aren’t alone. A lot of creatives have a goal to find their style, but feel all over the place when they look at their art. Hi, my name is Carrie Brummer...
If drawing children is something you enjoy doing and/or wish to improve upon, today’s video talks about how to draw children’s faces. Several people have expressed interest in drawing and painting children in their lives so today I used a drawing activity...
When I talk about obstacles that hold us back from making our art, one that repeatedly shows its ugly face is the idea, “why bother?” It’s an inner critique question that gets to the heart of so many of the obstacles we can face as creatives. Hi, my name is Carrie...
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