It has been nearly 4 months since I began this blog and I can only say thank you. Thank you to Everett Bogue and Tammy Strobel for writing things that make me feel like the time for change is now. Thank you to all of my readers for checking in and learning about artists, art, and reflecting on your creative goals.
The world is changing. Society is moving from the way it is to the way it used to be. It is a new era of new ideas and perspectives on the world. The “keeping up with the Joneses” lifestyle that developed in the 50s and 60s in that new burgeoning power of America is being reconsidered. Today, the role of the United States as a major power is largely threatened and put into question. Many people miss the glory and want it back (that makes them angry). Others think it’s about time for change (and are excited for the future). Then there is everyone in between, wondering where they fit, what they should do. This is your chance to make a difference. Use your creativity and harness it for the greater good, like Everett and Tammy, and many other fighters out there reminding us to rethink our values and the dogma we have been fed. Are you ready for the same day-in and day-out or are you ready to listen to that inner calling that tells you what you are REALLY here for?
Everett Bogue listened to his calling and walked out of a well paying magazine job in New York City. He sold almost everything (quite literally) he had and began a geographically independent lifestyle. He started his blog, Far Beyond the Stars, calling out to anyone and everyone that it is time for a change and that we all know it. Why are we so wasteful? Since when has anyone thought that was really okay? Why? He has inspired so many, myself included, to start the change. Apparently he has made a lot of people angry, too. In some of his recent posts and Twitterings he has mentioned the surprising number of people compelled to email him to tell him he is wrong. Isn’t that interesting? People are so angry at this concept and idea of a changed world. Know what that suggests to me? A huge fear of change. If you don’t like his blog, carry on your merry way and ignore it. But to write hate mail? It means there is something resounding in there… especially if you have a strong reaction! Carry that thought with you anytime you get angry at someone; could there be truth to their words you just don’t want to hear yet? Clearly, people are listening to Everett for his blog to have over 80,000 subscribers. I highly recommend his blog to you, it will force you to reflect and consider the lifestyle you lead. Are you truly happy and fulfilled with what you do? Or is that inner voice looking forward to each weekend as an escape from your daily grind? If you are wondering, read Everett’s book: The Art of Being Minimalist. I read it, and Minimalist Business, and feel a changed woman. Both have been tools for me to harness my creative energy and goals. Here I am, sharing my hopes and dreams for all of you (and myself) on this blog, no?
Times of change bring about huge opportunities for creative release and expression. Harness this energy and time! So you still feel like you can’t quit your day job…are you actually putting steps in place so you will eventually make that move? Are you doing the things that impassion you? Are you helping others? It’s time to get off your butt and make those changes. I can’t say it enough: can you IMAGINE what the world would be like if each and every one of us lived to our potential? If we all gave of ourselves in the way we were called to? What an amazing place this world would be…I look forward to being a part of it, don’t you?
BE COURAGEOUSLY CREATIVE: Check out Everett’s books mentioned above. Or check out Tammy Strobel, who I interviewed for my first Creative Spirit Interview. These are people worth hearing, you won’t regret it, and you will be better for it.