Facing the ugly stage of your art

Facing the ugly stage of your art

Is there an ugly stage in your painting before it begins to blossom? Countless creatives have shared it makes them feel like failures. Let’s talk about how to overcome that feeling in order to keep going and make the art your heart calls you to create. Hi, my name is...
How long should a painting take?

How long should a painting take?

When people look at your art have you ever been asked, “how long did it take?” It makes me curious: what does the length of time spent on an artwork tell us? And what do the viewers asking about it feel they understand by learning the answer to this question? It can...

A Beginner’s Guide to Acrylic Paints

Mary asked some great questions about acrylics and specifically about use of brushes and blending for her portrait art. I talk about my step-by-step process for painting portraits in acrylic as well as the blending techniques that help me create softer transitions...