by Carrie Brummer | Why do the Arts Matter?
Click here for an awesome “live” tour of the Sistine Chapel When I was attending Colgate University for my undergrad, my friend Kate and I took an art history class that surveyed from Gothic (somewhere in there) to Modern art. I hated the earlier history...
by Carrie Brummer | Why do the Arts Matter?
It has been nearly 4 months since I began this blog and I can only say thank you. Thank you to Everett Bogue and Tammy Strobel for writing things that make me feel like the time for change is now. Thank you to all of my readers for checking in and learning about...
by Carrie Brummer | Why do the Arts Matter?
While this holiday time of year brings joy, thankful reflection and quality family time there are also stresses. When should the tree go up? Fake or real? What kind of lights to use for decoration? And why is one bulb always dead, shorting out the whole string?! ...
by Carrie Brummer | Why do the Arts Matter?
Several weeks ago during Eid Al Adha (an Islamic holiday celebrating the “sacrifice” of Abraham’s son) I traveled to Muscat, Oman to visit friends. Besides boating (see the previous post) we went on a day trip to the town of Nizwa, Oman. Nizwa is an...
by Carrie Brummer | Why do the Arts Matter?
If there was an artist deserving of this award, JR is the man. When I watched his interview on the TED website I actually cried. If all people could be this giving with their creativity and curiosity… (If you don’t know about TED, click here to learn more). While JR...
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