Today on Artist Strong we welcome mixed media artist Kitty Miller, who specializes in portraying nature and animals via bright colors and collage.

Carrie: Welcome to Artist Strong Kitty! Can you please describe your artwork to Artist Strong readers?

I am a mixed media artist that specializes in animals, birds and nature, my paintings are vibrant and full of layers and hidden messages.

I also illustrate children’s books and enjoy other subjects, too. I have attended many art retreats but have no formal training in the arts. I have just loved creating and painting since I was very young.

Creative Spirit Kitty Miller

Creative Spirit Kitty Miller

Carrie: How did you discover your interest in the arts?

I was always interested in the arts. However in 1999 I was severely injured in a car accident and was unable to go back to my old job and I immersed myself into art.

Carrie: Where do you get ideas for your artwork?

Nature is my inspiration and I go out and take zillions of pictures trying to capture beauty and animals and then come try to capture the feeling I had and what I saw.

Carrie: How does your life experience and emotional state feed into your art?

My art is all over I let it all out. Art is a window into your soul, heart and head and the more we feel the more beautiful it seems to be.

Carrie: What do you do when you feel creatively stuck?

I go out and take pictures of nature, and I also read and look at children’s books and art.

Carrie: What does your workspace look like?

I work from home and have a studio in the dining room. I have a guest bedroom that looks like an art store. I just go in and get what I need or want to use daily and bring it to the dining room. We no longer can eat there. I had a studio away from my home in WA, but I think I like being home better.

Creative Spirit Kitty Miller

Studio Shot

Carrie: How do you know when an artwork is finished?

Wowzers this is a hard one for me…. I am always wanting to add more but I usually just get this ah hah moment and I decide it is done.

Carrie: What do you hope viewers take from your artwork?

An appreciation for the beauty that nature and this planet have to offer and a sense of color saturation… I want to leave them with this vision of bright vivid colors.

Carrie: What has been one hurdle you’ve overcome as a creative and how did you navigate that problem?

Managing time when I’m working on several projects at once is a challenge. I start to fall in love with a project and neglect the others. I now set a timer, and at least evaluate where I am at when it goes off and make the conscious decision not to neglect work I should be doing and try to keep it on a better schedule. Deadlines sometimes make me freak out and then I procrastinate, too.

Carrie: What is one creative resource you can’t live without?

I would have to say either my camera or the internet for reference when painting birds and animals. Also, my favorite medium is acrylic paint. I am a mixed media artist however and love it all and try to incorporate a multitude of supplies and papers in my works.

Creative Spirit Kitty Miller

Artwork By Kitty Miller

Carrie: How do you take risk in your art?

I guess I am always taking chances trying new things, new techniques and products. I recently started incorporating encaustic painting and sealing into some of my art.

Carrie: Who/what inspires you?

I am inspired by many and attend as many Art retreats as I can afford and manage. I love to create with others and to share ideas.

Carrie: How do you define Creativity?

Creativity to me is just doing, playing and making something that makes you feel good and brings joy to others.

“Creativity is just doing, playing and making something that makes you feel good and brings joy to others.” (Click to Tweet)

BE COURAGEOUSLY CREATIVE: How have you taken risk by trying out new materials or media in your art? I want to know! Tell me about it in the comments below.

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