Today on Artist Strong we welcome Kimberly and Caitlin from The Daily Inkling, a website that “celebrates creativity and shares ideas for work or play.”

Carrie: What motivated your desire to create Daily Inkling?

We were working on a book for ‘working creatives’ to act as an idea starter, a resource to keep handy to help generate ideas when you were feeling ‘stuck.’ Over time, we felt this would perhaps work better as a blog. It also allowed us to keep up the daily practice of writing and investigating and celebrating the wide and wonderful field of creativity.

Creative Spirit The Daily Inkling | Artist Strong

Colour palettes from The Daily Inkling

Carrie: What is one thing you really want people/creatives to take away from this online space?

A spark. The beginning of THEIR next great idea. Also, perhaps, that creativity and new ideas can come from a huge range of fields and people, not just your immediate discipline or area of expertise.

“Creativity and new ideas can come from a huge range of fields and people, not just your immediate discipline or area of expertise.” (Click to Tweet)

Carrie: What has been a specific challenge of working on Daily Inkling and how do you navigate that challenge?

Blogging every day. It’s a huge commitment, and a weekly challenge – especially when personal and professional lives get in the way. But to stay true to our vision, it’s something we feel is important.

Carrie: Where do you get ideas for content?

Everywhere. The theme of the blog is really about this – whether it’s from taking a walk, reading other blogs, viewing other artists, books, conversations, films, exhibitions – ideas can come from anywhere if you are open to them. We do, however, have themes we write around on different days and a content calendar that helps keep us forward focused.

Creative Spirit The Daily Inkling | Artist Strong

Image from a placemat tutorial (one of their most popular posts).

Carrie: What are you most proud of in terms of content on Daily Inkling?

That we’ve managed to keep it going for over a year whilst posting daily. We really enjoy the interviews and a chance to bring the outside world into the blog. The variety of content and that with readers we’re still able to get engagement on the truly wide field we write about. And ultimately the fact that it’s all original content – we didn’t just want to rehash other’s words or efforts, we wanted it to be our own.

Carrie: We’ve talked quite a bit now about your involvement with Daily Inkling. How did you discover your interest in all things creative?

Caitlin: I think it started with a tin of Derwent pencils and an obsession with notebooks. That eventually turned into a career in graphic design, and now a sidestep into writing, with many detours along the way. 

Kimberly: I have always been interested in creating – even as a teenager, writing, crafting, sewing, photography were how I spent my time. I don’t have the skill of an artist, like Caitlin, so I just keep working on what I can be better at. I also work as a marketer and a writer, and have been an entrepreneur, so I continue to indulge in creativity every day.


Creative Spirit The Daily Inkling | Artist Strong

A diagram of a creativity tool (Scamper) showcased on The Daily Inkling

Carrie: Have you heard of the term multi-passionate? You appear to be involved in many, varied projects; how do you juggle these multiple interests?

We both would describe ourselves as multi-passionate. Caitlin’s original passion was graphic design, then illustration but now also includes writing fiction and non-fiction. Kimberly was originally a marketer with a passion for writing, so has looked for ways to build on this – along with indulging some craft-geekery. Interestingly, there’s room for all of our passions, however at different times, one gets more focus whether due to paid work or individual interest.

Creative Spirit The Daily Inkling | Artist Strong

A found poem on The Daily Inkling

Carrie: What is one piece of advice you have for struggling creatives?

You can trust your inner critic to push you forward, but when it stops you creating, it’s time to ignore it!

“You can trust your inner critic to push you forward, but when it stops you creating, it’s time to ignore it!” (Click to Tweet)

And you’ll always find your creativity is at a low if you’re stressed about paying the bills. So sometimes a ‘day job’ may be necessary to truly indulge your creative passions.

Carrie: Who/what inspires you?

This is an ever-changing feast! For right now…Caitlin is really enjoying authors Ray Bradbury and Jeanette Winterson right now. When it comes to artists, it’s those that put a new spin on something ‘old’, like Dorothee Golz. She takes classic portraits and puts them on modern bodies. So it’s art that makes you look at something familiar ‘differently.’ She always also loves reading the magazine New Scientist.

Kimberly is currently inspired by travel – she’s spent a chunk of this year overseas and is about to head off again. The movement, the new experiences, the photography opportunities, leave her energised.

Carrie: How do you define Creativity?

A new take, a fresh perspective on just about anything. And simply the lovely act of ‘creating’ in any form – from cooking to art to words.

Any idea that you can make something of, take to the next place.

BE COURAGEOUSLY CREATIVE: How do you navigate your inner critic? How do you know when to ignore it?! I want to know. Tell me about it in the comments below.

Please note: they are no longer in operation.