Today, I’m not showcasing one of our amazing Creative Spirits. Instead I need to share something really important with you that impacts our community.

I’m not going to lie: this is a tough post to write.

Through no fault of my own, I am being forced to change the name of my company. This means I can no longer use the phrase “Artist Think” for my company or brand. I can’t go into more detail about it only to say I’m currently dealing with legal issues surrounding this circumstance and event, which are disappointing and unfortunate.

I was initially heartbroken at this news. I felt like a loved one was being taken from me. All of my blood, sweat and tears creating webinars for you, the articles I write, the interviews I conduct, the e-courses I’ve built… I take such pride in this community, as do you. Some of you even describe yourselves as Artist Thinkers, which makes this all that much harder for me.

As I allowed my grief to process I realized this was a special opportunity. Not only can I really sit down and consider the needs and wants of my amazing audience (that’s you), I can try to create a brand that even MORE so resonates with the mission and message I began with Artist Think. Dare I say, this could be the silver lining?

I’m not going anywhere. And neither is my company. But I have no choice except to create a new name and identity for what we do here. It means all kinds of little and large things for me: changing my business address on all the software I use, requesting new business bank and credit cards, going through our 400 blog posts to remove the words Artist Think…etc. It’s going to take hard work, patience, and require self-care on my part to do this well.

I need your help: stick with me as I create this change. Share our content with people who need it. Our special community will continue to grow and learn together. I’m working with someone special to help me create an even more amazing environment for us. But it’s going to take time. For the month of December, I will only send out a few emails and expect no new blog posts for that month. My aim is to launch the new website and company name on January 1st. (Name ideas are also most welcomed!)

In the meantime I will still host two webinars a month, and write through the end of November. Our FB group isn’t going anywhere either. I do have to postpone the launch of our membership community. Don’t worry, it will happen, but now that will come out mid-January in tandem with the new company name and website.

It’s important to me to be as transparent as I can with you all. I got this news last week and it’s taken time to digest and create a plan of action. As I learn more, I will share more. I’m still grieving, too. But now we have a plan. And it’s together that we will grow, learn and fully celebrate the amazing gift of creativity.

I believe in we.


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