by Carrie Brummer | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
Over the years people can accumulate lots of things. The longer we plant our feet the more stuff we seem to collect. And now that I’ve been in Dubai for 5-6 years, I can say I have a lot of crap here. And the area in my life that I am the worst culprit of...
by Carrie Brummer | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
The arts are always a reflection of the times in which they exist. Impressionism was invented during the Industrial Revolution and after the invention of the camera. In the Renaissance, a time of celebration of MAN and everything human kind was capable of,...
by Carrie Brummer | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
It’s that time of year again where people make resolutions for the new year. Most people never follow through on their goals, I believe because they never make them measurable (see my post on SMART goal setting for goals worth aiming for!). Last year is...
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