by Carrie | How to be An Artist
Priscilla is a self taught artist currently living in Las Vegas Nevada. She works in mixed media, acrylics, oils and inks. In her work she creates imagery that aims to express human experiences, emotions, love, hope, life, and change. Carrie: Welcome Priscilla, when...
by Carrie | Art Marketing, Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
Countless people give up on their hopes and dreams of selling their art before they even start. Why is that? Hi my name’s Carrie and today on Artist Strong, we’re gonna discuss the myth of the starving artist. One false assumption I see both artist and...
by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
Every week I post a prompt in our Facebook community to get you talking and sharing about your art. I’ve noticed over time that there are still many of you who feel like you have to justify making time for your art. Hi, my name is Carrie, and today on Artist...
by Carrie | Why do the Arts Matter?
We are currently in the middle of a 10-day art challenge in our Facebook group community called The Soulbrush Sessions. Hi, my name is Carrie, and today on Artist Strong we’re going to talk about the benefits of participating in art challenges like The Soulbrush...
by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
The other day I shared the backside of one of my embroidery works. When I shared it on social media someone made a comment that really triggered me and that got me thinking, so today on Artist Strong I want to talk to you about the fact, the truth that I see...
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