Creative Spirit Desiree East

Creative Spirit Desiree East

Desiree East is a Creatively Fit Coach (or as she likes to say, a transformational life coach disguised as an artist). Desiree helps women tap into their creative intuition by using art-making as a vehicle to connect to their souls’ purpose – No art...
Creative Spirit Melanie Sklarz

Creative Spirit Melanie Sklarz

Melanie Sklarz inspires individuals and groups to tap into their creativity for personal and professional success, whether it’s a painting, a marketing plan, or being everyday creative. As a marketing and design strategist, she brings a breadth of creative and...
The Myth of the Starving Artist

The Myth of the Starving Artist

“How nice for you to have an interest like art, but really, how are you going to make money from it?” So many people I have met have shared a similar story with me. One where well meaning parents, teachers, or other authority figures tell them that their interest in...