by Carrie | How to be An Artist
Sharon Burton is a Washington, DC area mixed media and collage artist, independent art curator, podcaster, reiki level II practitioner and creative advisor who believes that everyone is a creative that deserves to be acknowledged. Her artwork has been shown in juried...
by Carrie Brummer | Why do the Arts Matter?
Make the thing that scares you. You know that voice you quieted a long time ago still cries out for it occasionally. Remember that voice? It’s your inner artist calling you to create. It’s the one you always have a reply for: “I’m too busy,” “I’m too...
by Carrie Brummer | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
In a previous Artist Strong post I discussed how I inadvertently cultivated fear as part of my creative practice. It reminded me of how it is oh so easy to return to a fearful or blocked state. It was a good reminder, because when you constantly write about breaking...
by Carrie Brummer | How to be An Artist
Today on Artist Strong we are lucky enough to speak with Gosia Bruchlikowska, whose clever and cute sculptures captured my heart when I traveled to Scotland this summer! Thank you Gosia for taking the time to share your ideas with Artist Strong readers. Carrie:...
by Carrie Brummer | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
I was brainstorming for future blog posts on Artist Strong when a particular question occurred to me. Let me offer some context. If you read here regularly, you know I’m in a state of limbo awaiting my move to a new country. This fact has directed and determined some...
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