by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
Artists are labeled as free, loosy-goosy, unstructured, all kinds of words that are rarely used to describe scientists. And yet, both use similar tools for their research. Hi my name is Carrie and here on Artist Strong I help artists like you refine your skill and...
by Carrie | Why do the Arts Matter?
There are times in my life that I’ve felt disenfranchised. I’ve felt like I have no voice. I feel like there’s no one listening and I think that’s a lot of the reason I’ve found art in my life to be so important. It’s a way to...
by Carrie | How to be An Artist
Lanie Smith, MPS, ATR is a Registered Art Therapist and owner of Integrative Art Therapy as well as co-founder of Matters of the Heart Retreats for couples. Lanie has a true passion for combining art and nature to help others connect more deeply to themselves, others,...
by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
New Years always comes and goes. We might set a resolution with the best of intention, but lots of us don’t finish. Hi my name is Carrie and today on Artist Strong, I want to talk about why so many of us fail to follow through on our art and what we can do to...
by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
There are so many ideas and so little time when it comes to our art. How do we choose the best idea and which one to finish? Hi, I’m Carrie from Artist Strong and today we’re going to talk about the myth that you should finish all of your art....
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