by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
New Years always comes and goes. We might set a resolution with the best of intention, but lots of us don’t finish. Hi my name is Carrie and today on Artist Strong, I want to talk about why so many of us fail to follow through on our art and what we can do to...
by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
There are so many ideas and so little time when it comes to our art. How do we choose the best idea and which one to finish? Hi, I’m Carrie from Artist Strong and today we’re going to talk about the myth that you should finish all of your art....
by Carrie | How to be An Artist
Inspired by a vision of a light-filled rose garden she experienced on awakening from a coma following emergency brain surgery, Michelle Endersby is an international rose artist who paints stylised portraits of roses on circular canvases. Michelle’s paintings encourage...
by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
It’s the new year. That means fresh ideas, cleaning things out, and starting new. Do you have any strategies to help you energize your art in this new year? Today, we’re going to talk about three strategies that will help energize your art. Experience...
by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
The new year is an arbitrary but culturally driven opportunity to reflect on what makes you happy and what you hope to change in your life. Let’s take this opportunity to focus on our art in 2017. This coming year consider, a la Danielle LaPorte, how do you want...
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