Not So New Year’s Resolution

How’s that New Year’s goal setting and resolution working for you? I can hear the groans and see the eyerolls right now as I type this. Yes, I’m talking to you. For some, the art goals are specific: sell x number of paintings, create 12 artworks that investigate a...

Creative Spirit Amy Purdie

Amy Purdie is the founder of Embellish where she creates pictures out of paper. She is also the founder of Whiteacres where she helps business owners feel confident about their business image. She lives in Northumberland, UK, with her husband, two small children and a...

6 Reasons to Create a Body of Art

A lot of artists, new and experienced alike, get so excited by the next new shiny idea that they jump around with their art explorations. I get it. Right now I’m battling my desire to learn everything about weaving with the painted, gilded series I’ve committed myself...

Creative Spirit Jesse Reno

Jesse Reno is a self taught, mixed media painter who has supported himself through his art for the last 12 years. In that time Jesse has created over 4000 paintings and his prices have risen 1000%. He has sold almost 90% of everything he has created. With no business...

How an Artist Navigates Feedback

I can still remember being a student, sitting in critiques where no one was willing to speak up. People seemed to feel there was a right and wrong thing to share their ideas about the art. Now I wonder: were we all more concerned with how we sounded rather than about...