Make Art That Changes the World

I listened to an interview a while ago where the artist felt a lot of pressure to make art that “changes the world.” She discovered her current art interest in part because she felt enjoyment from the process. She also felt free from the pressure of making “important”...

Creative Spirit Lambert Ho

Lambert Ho is an artist based in Fiji’s capital Suva. Lambert is of Fijian-Chinese heritage and has been a creative force on the Fiji and the Pacific Art scene for three decades now. His work includes fabric art for fashion shows, contemporary jewelry using natural...

3 Books to get you MAKING

How exactly can you become your best artist self? This is a question I’m investigating this month with others in my challenge #BeCreativelyCourageous. We are talking about success, dedication, and scaffolding our way to our own, unique, specific definitions of growth,...

Gailani Art Retreat in Muscat, Oman

Art does more than change the world: it changes YOU. I’m very fortunate that just before I left Oman, a friend asked me if I’d come with her to a local artist retreat. I’d heard about it since I first moved here, but my own labels and judgements kept me away. I don’t...