by Carrie | How to be An Artist
Janelle Gurchinoff is a Michigan-based artist and the owner of Spirit Cat. After getting her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, Janelle worked as a graphic designer for 20 years. Having little creative freedom over the years, she ended up feeling totally lost and depleted....
by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
There’s a secret that most artists don’t realize: creative block and that pesky inner critic is something we all experience as a creative. Hi, my name is Carrie and today on Artist Strong I’m sharing my top ten takeaways from the book Your Inner...
by Carrie | Why do the Arts Matter?
There are times in my life that I’ve felt disenfranchised. I’ve felt like I have no voice. I feel like there’s no one listening and I think that’s a lot of the reason I’ve found art in my life to be so important. It’s a way to...
by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
New Years always comes and goes. We might set a resolution with the best of intention, but lots of us don’t finish. Hi my name is Carrie and today on Artist Strong, I want to talk about why so many of us fail to follow through on our art and what we can do to...
by Carrie | How to be An Artist
Inspired by a vision of a light-filled rose garden she experienced on awakening from a coma following emergency brain surgery, Michelle Endersby is an international rose artist who paints stylised portraits of roses on circular canvases. Michelle’s paintings encourage...
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