by Carrie Brummer | How to be An Artist
Today I would like to welcome Creative Spirit Mohamad Hourani. He is a photographer and has an artist site called Point of View. Artist Strong: Hello Mo, could you please introduce yourself to Artist Strong readers? Where are you from? Where do you live? What do you...
by Carrie Brummer | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
Being a creative type is easy enough. But harnessing that creativity and doing something productive with it is another story. Society always offers artists excuses: “well, creatives aren’t organized,” or, “artists are usually moody.” ...
by Carrie Brummer | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
The arts are always a reflection of the times in which they exist. Impressionism was invented during the Industrial Revolution and after the invention of the camera. In the Renaissance, a time of celebration of MAN and everything human kind was capable of,...
by Carrie Brummer | Why do the Arts Matter?
It has been nearly 4 months since I began this blog and I can only say thank you. Thank you to Everett Bogue and Tammy Strobel for writing things that make me feel like the time for change is now. Thank you to all of my readers for checking in and learning about...
by Carrie Brummer | How to be An Artist
Original Post September 28, 2010 This week I am really excited to conduct my first interview with someone who inspires me and many others; I am happy to share with you my conversation with the kind and interesting Tammy Strobel. A brief background on Tammy and her...
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