Choices. Choices. Adulthood has many words we associate with it, but the one I see as both boon and bane is Responsibility. We must provide for our loved ones’ emotional and physical well-being. This is a good responsibility to uphold. Caring for our loved ones should...
Injecting art into my everyday is a huge personal challenge at present. Right now I’m trying to come up with a list of ideas to help me realize this goal. Remember a little action often is better than no action at all! I have been wistful about all of the time...
I’ve felt extremely limited artistically since I’ve begun my new job. In fact, when I came home from a long weekend of fabulous workshopping I literally burst into tears. I remembered how much my heart resonates when I’m making art and just how much...
With so many activities over my summer and the transition into a new job on the way, I’ve struggled with making time for my art. I promised myself, however, that I would not sacrifice my art for this new and exciting opportunity of secondary assistant principal....
As many of my readers know I have been truly inspired and excited by the creativity that I personally generate through Pinterest. Yet, despite being quoted in an article about my support for the site as well as promoting it on this blog, all the talk on copyright...
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