by Carrie Brummer | Why do the Arts Matter?
The Artist Strong Rewind This month, Artist Strong showcases the best of the best. Check in and see: have you missed out on the most read articles on Artist Strong? Read my popular interviews and strategies for your creative success. Sometimes, we need a reminder, or...
by Carrie Brummer | Why do the Arts Matter?
Today on Artist Strong we highlight another voice to help articulate Why Do the Arts Matter? We welcome Catherine Abbott, who has worked in a variety of arts organisations and institutions in Ireland, UAE and Oman. She is currently director of Jamann Arts Consulting...
by Carrie Brummer | Why do the Arts Matter?
Our culture is shifting. We are beginning to honor and recognize that the arts are important and valuable. And while this is awesome and amazing, we still have a lot of work today. One way we can all empower ourselves is through learning. Reading. And sharing. We are...
by Carrie Brummer | Why do the Arts Matter?
Today is another Why do the Arts Matter post here at Artist Strong. There is so much talk right now in the Education world about the importance of the arts. But where is the practice? We can talk all we want, but if we don’t put money where our mouths are, we are...
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