Paint Brushes by Karin Dalziel

I often spout all kinds of advice on keeping at your work all of the time, that persistence and determination are key to success. At the same point in time, my strongest work has happened after I’ve had a break from my art.

My previous “breaks,” mind you, did not have a start and stop date; I just created work again when I felt like it. That was largely an unproductive road to travel down due to its inconsistent bumps and turns. Despite the inconsistency, I can readily see developmental changes in my work (for the better) as a result from taking time off from art.

Presently, I have made little artwork in the past 3 weeks. I’m on school holiday and living out of luggage for the next 5 weeks. I brought a small sketchbook and a watercolor tin. I even purchased supplies for a piece I want to work on, but I am going to do my best not to guilt myself into working either. This is the longest break I’ve had from art-making in 2 years. Reflecting on your previous effort and commitment is a way to identify whether your desire for a break is from fear or just because you have kept yourself busy. We can all use a break sometimes!

BE COURAGEOUSLY CREATIVE: When is the last time you weren’t working on your art? If you can’t remember it is about time to take an art holiday to allow room for your growth. Set a specific time period to separate from your creative endeavor and pamper yourself! You deserve your break because you have been working hard towards your creative goals.

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